Love is

Love is fuzzy jammies and blankets and snuggling on the couch.

Love is laundry clean and folded and put in its place.

Love is reading stories, sitting on Mommy’s lap.

Love is a home cooked meal after a long day.

Love is a wild flower proudly picked for you.

Love is a thank you note written just to show you care.

Love is watching the same John Wayne western for the 100th time.

Love is helping with homework and tying shoes.

Love is cleaning up a scrape and combing his hair.

Love is saying ‘I’m sorry’.

Love is kind words spoken and a final kiss good night.

6 thoughts on “Love is

  1. Love is…this post! It could be one of those signs you see on Pinterest, written in all different fonts. This is a great one to keep around, for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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