
This site is dedicated to each of you, striving to be the best in each role you claim (wife/husband/partner/single, son/daughter/mother/father, employee/manager/teacher/leader/mentor/friend).

How do we each get to our best version? One choice, one opportunity, one day at a time. AND the goal is to be real about the challenges (job, house, finances, relationships, health) of truly living this life.

Need a keynote speaker or workshop presenter focused on the Life Blend? Check out the comments from past clients on the Speaking Engagment tab.

Want to go a step deeper? Semester or year-long workshops series are availalble. Coming soon – 1:1 Coaching to Your Best Blend

Do you want thoughts and resources or to get really wound on a soapbox issue? Head to the Thoughts & Soapboxes for my latest blog posts. Note: Each March, I strive to participate in the Slice of Life Challenge (which is actually three challenges) produced to encourage writing teachers and writing classrooms to WRITE. This challenge has been extremely motivational in putting pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard. Thanks again to Two Writing Teachers and think about particpating this next Tuesday! https://twowritingteachers.org/challenges/

Check out the about tab for a little more about me, my crazy, beautiful, messy life, and BR consulting.

And for many, this blog is a look into a rural way of life or parenting style or other life blend habit that is completely unfamiliar to you. Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact page to ask more questions or otherwise connect. I love to hear your stories, as they so often complete our inspiration cycle.