A gift inside a disappointment

I found out that my conference in DC is cancelled next week as the location has been compromised with the coronavirus. My first disappointment came this morning when I learned our Capitol visits would be virtual. Then by noon, the entire conference would be virtual. That means I miss out on connecting with old friends and making new ones. I am not going to spend some awesome time with my MO crowd, which always ends in great conversations, many laughs, and all kinds of fun. I am going to miss the PD and the opportunity for refreshment this conference represented for my spring sanity. And I miss out on exploring DC, something I absolutely love, no matter how many times I visit. Bummer!

But, after I finished my cancelations, I thought about the gifts this disappointment has given to me. I don’t have to leave Sunday morning at four am, but will have a Sunday to plan my son’s 7th birthday a bit better or get going on my taxes or just to take a nap and read all afternoon (we are expecting rain or I would be in my blackberry or strawberry patch cleaning or mulching my flowers beds for spring). I will get to attend some meetings at school I otherwise would have missed. I will not have the four days of backlog work to make up, which also saves my following weekend for more fun options. I will be there for P/T conferences, which I truly hate to miss. Even if parents rarely visit afterschool staff, it is a great time for reflection and making to do lists ta done lists! I will have additional time and brain power to finalize out-of-town events the following week. And I will have three nights home with my husband to sit beside him on the couch and to enjoy his snoring as I sleep in my own bed.

It is all about how I frame this change to my schedule. I can whine about the disappointment or look at the gifts that I typically take for granted and which I would have missed next week if my trip would have moved forward according to plan.

8 thoughts on “A gift inside a disappointment

  1. DC does hold lots of possibility. I’m selfishly glad you aren’t going, but then, it sounds like you are maybe a little glad too. Stay strong. Stay sane. Wash your hands.

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    • Wash your hands! Is going to become the new ‘Shut the front door’ kind of reply. You hear something unbelievable – wash your hands! Like you said , stay sane . . .


  2. Your post raised such an interesting notion and question: What will be the gifts from this current scare? Your quote about perspective is an important one as we all navigate this uncertain time. Glad you were able to find some positives.

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  3. Yes it does help to see the positive side and try to turn disappointed feelings around. You have worked all the positive emotions so well in contrast to all that you will miss out on. I however, will not be seeing any positives if we don’t get back for our daughter’s wedding next month!!

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