An Overflowing Cart that has nothing to do with panicked shopping

As a part of my various positions, I often find myself behind an overflowing cart.

As a mom with three growing boys, I am always looking for a deal and often buy in the off-season for clothes and such. If it doesn’t fit one of my boys, I can always donate it to our closet at school.

At the grocery store, four gallons of milk makes it easy to soon have an overly full cart.

For various workshops or supplies for my agriculture teachers, I am usually buying 25-50 or more at one time. The best for this kind of shopping was at Hobby Lobby trying to get 45 of 25 different flowers. People there wanted to know what I was doing with three full carts of flowers that shared no common theme. They were likely thinking, ‘That is going to be one ugly wedding!’

And then there is shopping for our afterschool program. I am used to people giving some sideway glances when I am purchasing school supplies. When they are really huffy and impatient, I like to make comments about my slight obsession with school supplies.

On Saturday, amid the continual lack of most groceries and all toilet paper in our state, I found fleece blankets for half price that we need for summer enrichment. This deal will make the pillows just over $1 each! That is what I call a score!

As I head to the checkout, I can tell people are really wondering what I am doing with this cart full of blankets. If I was in our hometown store, they know me well enough to just ask what project I have going. I guess this poor checker has seen it all in the past few weeks. He just asks how many I have and starts ringing them up. The people behind are just too curious and have to know what I am doing, likely worried there is some other shortage they are unaware of. I told them I was just trying to get ahead for our hopefully larger summer school.

As we leave the store, my son asks, ‘Mom, why do people always ask you what you are doing with whatever is in the cart?’

‘I don’t know. I am just doing a little shopping . . .’

9 thoughts on “An Overflowing Cart that has nothing to do with panicked shopping

  1. I love this! And I love the picture – even though I could picture it in my mind from your words. 🙂 People often give me a side glance at my cart too -, especially before school starts. 🙂 I’m so glad you wrote this. Such a good memory.

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    • I need to give a shout out to Joyous Thoughts for the inspiration with her cart. I took the photo to send to my sewing instructor at finding almost all of the needed material, but forgot to slice about it that day. Joyous Thoughts reminded me with her slice about her teenage daughter who likes to keep her distance from a very full or two carts needed shopping experience!


  2. I admit here to being curious about other people’s carts everywhere I go. I must admit I rarely ask, content to make up my own stories about said content. You probably provided a momentary distraction to many yesterday. I admire your creative thought process.

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  3. This is a great example as to why we should never commit assumicide! It is your business what you buy and how much (I laughed out loud at “one ugly wedding”). At least it probably distracted people for a bit. And it’s NOT hoarding. It is also fun to think of snarky comments to make if asked (although one would never actually SAY them … of course …). When I broke my foot and told the x-ray tech I only fell off my garage steps, he said I needed a better story. So. Just sayin’… 🙂

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